Film SLR: The FM10 is a film-based, manual SLR camera that uses 35mm film.
Metering System: Proven, accurate and versatile, this Center Weighted meter will guide you in taking photos with excellent exposure. With the built-in +, 0 and - LED display, creative adjustments are just a turn-of-a-dial away.
Usable Lenses: All NIKKOR AF-D, AI-P, AF-I, AI-S and AF-S lenses.
Note that AF-S NIKKOR lenses can be used with the FM10 however NIKKOR G lenses, which do not have an aperture ring can only be used at the lens' minimum aperture and can not be opened up.
The camera is a manual camera so autofocus lenses will not autofocus but will need to be manually focused using the focus ring on the lens.
Replacement Cost